A Quick & Easy Exercise to Start Your Job Hunt and Find the Job You Really Want

Welcome to the wonderful world of job hunting! Not excited? There may be some good news out there for anyone currently on the search. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment rate has increased as well as the number of jobs being created in several industries.


Easy exercise for job hunt
A Hunting We Will Go

We’re All in This Together. You may have decided that now is the time for a job in a completely different field. Maybe you have recently become unemployed due to layoffs or a business closing. Perhaps you are graduating and about to start the job search process for the first time. You may be feeling a bit confused and overwhelmed and you’re not quite sure where to start. This can become especially more complicated when you are switching fields all together.

Easy Peasy. There is a simple exercise that can help you really hone in on the kind of job you want. This will work for the first time job hunter as well as the seasoned veteran. There are just some slight changes for the newbies.

Make A List. The best thing to do is make a list of all of your responsibilities in your current position. This may take you a couple of days. Don’t forget any and all tasks, even if it seems like something small or mundane. Do you check and respond to e-mails daily? Write it down. Do you hand in an expense report? Write that down, too. The goal is to end up with a very comprehensive list of your current duties.

Strength in Numbers. Now that the list is completed, note which tasks you excel at and really enjoy doing the most. This is now a valuable list of strengths. You have just narrowed down the skills that you have that someone will pay you to do! Don’t we all want a job in which we might just enjoy what we do every day? I thought so.

If you don’t have any full-time work experience under your belt, this system still works. Think about any volunteer work you may have performed. Perhaps you participated in an internship. Either way, you were assigned certain responsibilities that still translate into the job world.

This list will help with resume building and is a great reference for key points you may want to bring up in interviews. Now where do you find all of these great jobs? The internet may hold the key. Click here to read my post containing tips for online job searching.

Do you have a tip or question to share related to job searching? Feel free to leave it here in the comment section.

2 thoughts on “A Quick & Easy Exercise to Start Your Job Hunt and Find the Job You Really Want”

  1. What a great way to give yourself some ‘thinking’ time and get yourself organized and figure out what you really like and where it can take you.

    Unfortunately most people end up in a job and not a career. I think regardless of what you do you should strive to be the best even if it’s a piddly job. Don’t be afraid to excel and I think it will give you a better attitude in general.

    Good to see you and hope your day went well.

    1. Hey Bill,

      You made a great point that most people end up in a job instead of a career.
      I agree that striving to excel should be a goal.
      Thanks for the great insights!

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